* Crazy Me *

Away Message's

Useless Facts
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Songs & Rhymes
Away Message's
Your Comment(s)

          Away Message's I Like...


*When you love someone, it's something. When someone loves you, it's another thing. When you love the person who loves you back, it's everything.
*One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important: You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away never knowing that you're my life.
*It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
*If I were a tear in your eye, I would run down your cheeks and die on your lips. If you were a tear in my eye, I would never cry in fear if losing you.

*Don't tell me you love me unless you really mean it because I might do something crazy like believe it.
*Three seconds to say I love you, Three hours to explain it, and A life time to prove it.
*Don't fall in love with someone you can live with, fall in love with someone you can't live without.
*You know you love someone when you cannot put into words how they make you feel.
*You never truly love someone until it kills you to see them hurting.
*I went outside the other night, looked up at the stars, and matched each one with a reason why I love you. Everything was going great but then I ran out of stars...
*You know your in love when all you can think about is that one special person and you can't stand to be away from them for more then 1 sec. and miss then even though they're standing right next to you. You fall asleep thinking about them, and dream about them every night.

*Love isn't finding the perfect person, it is finding the imperfect person and seeing how they are perfect.
*Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.
*If you love someone put their name in a circle instead of a heart, because hearts can break but circles go on forever.
*If ever a day goes by where I dont say I love you, may never a moment go by with out you knowing I do.
*I knew I truely loved you because I was looking through quotes to tell you what you mean to me, when I finally realized it can't be put into words the way I feel about you.
*Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.
*If 3 words described love they would be "you and me."

*I Love my Boyfriend, Yes I do! He's for me, and not for you!And if by chance, you take my place...I'll take my fist..And PUNCH YOUR FACE!
*I left a tear for you in the ocean when you find it is the day i'll stop loving you.
*If I had a rose for everytime I thought about you I'd be walking in a garden forever.
*If a thousand people love you, I am in that thousand. If a hundred people love you, I am in that hundred. If ten people love you I am in that ten. If only one person loves you, thats me.
*Every time I have a dream about you, I stay a sleep so that I may keep wishing, that this dream might come true.
*When are we going to be together?
Will you love me now or will it take forever?
I Love you always with all my heart
Be with you and never apart
With this poem I have one thing in mind
You just have to read the first word in each line...
*If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, just know that you are in my heart. You'll be in there forever!

*The shortest word for me is I
the sweetest word for me is LOVE
the only one for me is YOU
*You know you're in love when you think about someone more times in a day than you think about yourself.
*I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or smile at me, because I know that even for a second that i've crossed your mind.
*I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away, I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day, I wrote your name on a paper but I accidentally threw it away, I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay.
*A girl asked a boy if she was pretty, he said "No". She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever, he said "No". Then she asked him if he would cry if she walked away, he said "No". She had heard enough; she needed to leave. As she walked away he grabbed her arm and told her to stay. He said "you are not pretty, you are beautiful. I don`t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die."
*I wish dreams were like wishes, and wishes came true, cause in my dreams I'm always with you.
*I climbed the door and shut the stairs, I sayed my pajamas and put on my prayers, I shut off my sheets and got under the light and all because you kissed me good night.
*Love is when you dont want to go to sleep because reality is better than a dream.:.

*I  could search my whole life through and through an never find another you!!

*To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

*You know you love someone when you cannot put into words how they make you feel.


There is a sick child who needs your help. He/She is dying of a disease called boredom. If you want to make a contribution to help save their life, please leave a message with the amount you are willing to contribute.

I'm suffering from a severe case of boredom.

I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored...

I'm so bored. Let me know if you want to join me.

Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored, bored... Do you get the picture?

Help, I'm bored out of my mind.

I'm so bored of being bored.

Is it possible to die from boredom? I think I'm about to find out really soon.

I did
I did this
I did this because
I did this because I
I did this because I was
I did this because I was bored.

Boredom is very boring.

I must be really bored if I actually thought to write an away message about being bored.

Can you guess what I'm doing? Absolutely nothing... I am so bored.

I'm very very very very very very (feel free to interrupt) very very very very bored.

I'm too bored to think of a good away message.

I'm bored... Would you be so kind as to entertain me with an exciting message?

Playing hide and go seek with boredom... I found it!

So much free time but nothing to do.

I have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease called boredom... Doctors say that the only cure is for me to receive as many entertaining messages from as many people as possible.

Hi, I'm Bored, what's your name?

If boredom was a crime, I'd be in jail right now.

Picture Away's...
__           __ 
| D ) _ _  | D ) 
|_D_) D )_D_) 

    /``````\  ,.~°\         /°~./`````\,.·~°\    /°~. 
  /    /\     \\      \/``\/      //   /\     \\    \/    / 
/     /..\     \\                //   /...\      \       /  
°~.,/```\,.~° \,¸¸,/\,¸¸,,/ °~.,/```\,.-~' \.....\

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. _ . _. _ . _ . _ . _ . 
||                            || 
||¸.-···· 0(o.o)0.··-., || 
||\¸.-···-· O--O··· -.¸..\ 
||  \        Sleeping      \ 
\     *··--··*··- -··*··--· .\ 
  \  || _ . __ _ __ __ __|

:¦:-          -:¦:- []_____   -:¦:-  
     ¸...¸      __/             \/\____  
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   ```)¨(´´´ |   |  | | |  | | || |l±±±±,,,, 
     ,.-·²°´   ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸.´ 
Around the house

(¨`·.·´¨)*  I  

         (0 0) 
|        Away!        |  
|   Leave a message!  | 
         || ||  
        ooO Ooo

...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- 
      ¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) 
    ((¸¸.·´ ..·´  -:¦:- 
    -:¦:-  ((  °º ° 
           "(¨`v´¨)::" °..··..*.. ·· ..° 
*..·°-:¦:-   `v´* Be Right Back *-:¦:- °·..* * °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° * 
-:¦:-  * °.. ·· ..*.. ·· .:.° *  -:¦:-

    .     . 
     \   / 
      \ / 
| .-------.  | 
| |       | o| 
| |       | o| 
| |       |  | 
| `-------`  | 
Watching TV

*Muah, I'll be back soon *

Brushing my teeth.

                (( _______ 
      _______     /\O    O\ 
     /O     /\   /  \      \ 
    /   O  /O \ / O  \O____O\ )) 
(( /_____O/    \\    /O     / 
   \O    O\    / \  /   O  / 
    \O    O\ O/   \/_____O/ 
     \O____O\/ ))    )) 

Playing a game.


In the shower with my rubber ducky.

    \ _ / 
  -= (_) =- 
    /   \ 
Having Fun in the Sun!

||||  /  \ 
|||| {    } 
\__/  \__/ 
 ||    || 
 ||    || 
 ||    || 
 ||    || 
 {}    {} 


   / \ 
Working out.

(   ) 
 \ (   Oooo 
  \_)  (   ) 
        ) / 
Walking around.

   |      | 
   |      | 
|             | 
|  Shopping   | 
|             | 
|             | 

       [_ | 
.'`     ||  .'`\ 
/        ||  /   | 
|        \/  |   | 
|            |   | 
|            | _.'\ 
'-----...----`\    \ 
      | |      \    | 
      | |       '.__/ 
Checking my mail.

|   =   | 
| _____ | 
||     || 
|       | 
| 0 0 0 | 
| 0 0 0 | 
| 0 0 0 | 
| 0 0 0 | 
On the phone.

°°°  °°° 
Monkeying around.

(          ) 
(          ) 
  / / / / / 
/ / / / / 
/ / / / /
Playing in the rain.

/"~"~"``vv``"~ "~"\ 
/    /  /¯¯`v`¯¯\    \   \
\    /  \/  /  /     \/    \ / 
\/        /  /         \/ 
          /  / 
( Y ) 
         /  /  
( ';' ) 
     __|   \ _

¸-. .-.¸    ¸.-  ..-¸ 
;        \    \        ; 
'.        /   /       .' 
`.      \   \    ..´ 
     `..¸/ /¸..´ 
Heart Broken

(  '  ) * 
)* ) ( ; 
|       l_____ 
((((  )))) 

( O    O ) 
 ( (..) ) 
  / == \ 
Pigging out.

      0      0 

O     O 

     /  \ 
|*  DO       | 
|    NOT  *  | 
|  *  DISTURB| 

    / ======= \ 
   / __________\ 
  | ___________ | 
  | | -       | | 
  | |         | | 
  | |_________| | 
  / """"""""""" \ 
 / ::::::::::::: \ 
Writing a paper.

  / \  
Hanging Around!


*Life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away. Like choking.

*I'm not here right now, but if you'd like to reach me on my cell phone... buy me a cell phone.

*Rules of me:
#1. I am always right
#2. Just in case i am wrong see rule #1

*You are probably doing one of these two things:
1. You think you are slick by checking my profile to see what my away message is, so you don't have to IM me and look stupid.
2. You are looking stupid because there is a little yellow post-it right next to my name, and yet you still IM me.(With the exception that I was talking to you before and now you are answering me, and in that case you are SLOW!)

*Leave a message, and I'll IM you back later
Leave a SEXY message and I'll IM you back sooner

*Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, youre a mile away and you have their shoes. See ya when i get back......

*My Imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems.

*Someday my prince will come he just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is to stubborn to ask for directions.

*Having a staring contest with my wall...*BLINK* dang it!!!!!

*I wanted to kill the sexiest person alive...But suicide's a crime :-/

*Nobody is perfect. I am Nobody. Therefore I am perfect.

*Take a few chances you wish you had later, live life a little more, fear a little less, and remember, When life gives you lemons, throw them back and tell life to MAKE ITS OWN DANG LEMoNADE!

*You don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the slowest guy running from the bear.

*Are you mad at me? If not press, Alt F4... 

*It's only funny untilsomeone gets hurt...then it's hilarious!!!

*I fell out of my chair... this could take awhile.

*Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before.

*Let's dicuss right and left... you're right, I left! :-P

*I'll be back when I can get my head from between the rail in my stair case.

*Sorry, I only listen to the little voices inside my head...

*OHHH. Shiny object. So pretty............

*Shhh, I was never here...

*I'm blonde whats your excuse?

*I am right 90% of the time. So why worry about the other 3%?

*I'm doing something really important right now. I'm spinning in my computer chair, be with you when I can see straight again......"Please stop the room from spinning, I'd like to get off

*Hello, you have reached _____'s away message, your message will be answered to in the order in which it was recieved, your message is number 1,645,845 , please hold, your message is important to me.

*If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.

*A rejected invention: Instant water! just add water!

*Inventions rejected: fireproof matches

*I hate it when someone asks me "if everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?" So, I'm on my way to go jump off a bridge cuz I wanted to be a trend setter and jump off the bridge first so everybody would follow me and not me jumping just because everyone else did! I'm so cool aren't I!

*Don't make me mad......I'm known to bite at random!!!

*For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.

*Sry my cat has the mouse...........

*I'm hearing voices in my head and they don't like you!

*Instructions on how to keep an idiot busy: Read instructions again.

*Think of it this way...I dont want to talk to you

*If you are more then 80% addicted to aol instant messenger, call 1-800-i-need-a-life

*OMG! I just ran into a pole...This may take a while......

*Standing on train tracks, don't worry, a train won't hi..

*I'm playing hide-and-go-seek. Try to find me.

My house is on fire!!!!
kinda preoccupied at the moment, please leave message, oh yeah, and call 911,

*How do blind people find those dots for reading when they don't know where it is?

*Out of my mind.
Back in 5 minutes.


*Don't hate me cause im beautiful, hate me cause ur boyfriend thinks I am

*The world is coming to an end. Please log off

*Hey I am not at my computer right now cause while I was away my computer ran away, so I am chasing it right now. If you see me go past your house running after a computer, put up this away messege and come and help me!

*I'm away but if I told you were I was I would have to kill you buh bye!!

*Let's talk about rights and lefts...you're right, I left.
*God made oceans, god made lakes
god made the backstreet boys...hey everyone makes mistakes!
*A friend will call you in Jail. A good friend will visit you in Jail. A best friend will be sitting next to you in Jail saying..."THAT WAS AWESOME!"

*I'd been having these weird thoughts about killing the sexiest person alive, but then I thought "wait a minute... that would be committing suicide!"
*Ever wonder why ABCDEF are used to define bra sizes?
A - Almost Boobs
B - Barely There
C - Can Do
D - Damn Good
E - Enormous
F - Fake  
*I tried to sniff Coke once . . .
. . . but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

*Mental anxiety, Mental breakdowns, Menstrual cramps, Menopause... Did you ever notice how all our problems begin with MEN?!

*When God made girls He was proud of His creation. When God made boys He was slightly disappointed. When God made me He was just plain showing off!

*If guys are so tough, how come God chose girls to have to go through pregnancy, childbirth, and periods? Ah Ha! Don't even try to tell me that men could take it.
*Guys have feelings too... but who cares?
*Best Friends are like good bras: Hard to find, supportive, comfortable, always lifts you up, never lets you down or leaves you hanging, makes you look better, and ALWAYS close to your heart.
*Boys r like lava lamps: fun to watch but not too bright!
*PMS= Punish Men Severely

*T.G.I.F = Thank God I'm Female

*Mowing my legs...Brb.

*My boyfriend told me that I need to be more affectionate, so now I have two boyfriends.
*When God Made Men, She Was Only Joking!

*Girls complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself.
*Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? I've gone to find the answer!!
*Mirrors can't talk, and lucky for YOU they can't laugh either - brb
*Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

*Of all the friends I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die Before you do I'll go to heaven, And wait for you I'll give the angels,Back their wings And risk the loss Of everything Just to prove My friendship is true I'm thankful to have a friend like you.
*I am not currently available right now. However, if you would like to be transfered to another correspondent, please press the number that best fits your personality:
-If you are obsessive compulsive, please press "1" repeatedly.
-If you are codependant, please ask someone to press "2".
-If you have multiple personalitites, please press "3", "4", and "5".
-If you are paranoid delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace your call.
-If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and the little voice will tell you which number to press.
-If you are manic depressive, it doesn't matter what number you press, no one will answer.

*Checking away messages. It's like stalking, but no one knows you are doing it. I even have people's names on my buddy list that I don't know, but I hear they have really good away messages. Some people really put their all into away messages. There are the people who document their every move: "I am taking a shower, but when I get out, I am going to pee, shave, and then iron my pants. Call me if you need me before I go to the mall at 2pm." Then there's the creative one: "I am away from my computer right now." And of course there's that one from the really cool guy: "Yo its friday night, I am drunk, and not sittin up lookin at away messages" Funny how that guy never seems to go idle.

*10 things men know about women:

*If you want me to fall for you, you better get something for me to trip over.

*I'm riding the ponies outside WalMart. Be back when I run out of quarters.

*I ran into my ex the other day, then I put the car in reverse and ran over him again.

*Two words guys hate... don't stop unless you put them together!
*I may not be.. -The *Prettiest* girl alive- -The
*Richest* girl alive- -Or the *Smartest* girl alive- ..But I do know Im.. -The *-luckiest-* girl alive- ..Because I have the best friends by my side....
*Dont u hate those really long away messages? i mean all thyey say is well im not here right now but they just stretch it out and make it like 1000000000000 pages long but this one is not all that long still dont you just hate them??? i mean c'mon you have to hate them!!! i no i do well this might take a while for me to explain tho but....... i- a-m- n-o-t -he-r-e- r-i-g-h-t- n-o-w-!
*People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. I know where my watch is buddy, where the heck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is? People who are willing to get off their butt to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Screw it. What good is a cake if you can't eat it? What, should I eat someone else's cake instead? When people say "It's always in the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the heck would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? When people say, while watching a movie "Did you see that?" No dorkface, I paid $9.00 to come to the theatre and stare at the frigging ceiling up there. What did you come here for? When something is "new and improved", which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it. When a cop pulls you over and then asks if you know how fast you were going? You should know dumbbutt you frigging pulled me over. When people say "Life is short." What the heck?? Life is the longest darn thing anyone ever does!! What? Are they going to do something that's longer? When people ask "Can I BORROW a piece of paper?" Sure, but please don't return the favor! It's one friggin piece of paper! When you are waiting for the bus and someone ask you "Did the bus come yet?" If the bus came I would not be standing here freak! People who ask "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya buddy? 

*I thought a thought but the thought I thought wasnt the thought I thought

*Crushes only crush you, Falling only hurts you, Hearts will only break you, If there is no love to save you. I am scared to fall in love... I am scared to fall out of love... and I am scared of not bein' loved by the one I love right now! My head is in the clouds... My heart is in the sky... My mind is in a dreamboat... And you're the reason why.

*15 things that will make ur parents think ur stupid 1. Moo when they say your name... 2. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"... 3. Wear a sticker that says, "I'm a retard"... 4. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people... 5. Try to swim in the floor... 6. Give yourself a swirly... 7. Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling, "the sun!!! it's dying!!!"... 8. Have nervous spasms at spontaneous times... 9. Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder... 10. Run in circles... 11. Pretend to beat yourself up... 12. Super glue your finger up your nose... 13. Lay face down and chant like an indian tribe... 14. Switch the light button on and off for a while. then say, "ooooh... I get it!!!"... <15. When you shower or bathe yell, "i'm drowning!!!"

*What u see is what u gett.....U see that i am not here and all u r gettin is this away message ~*love ya*~

*I am not here so leave a message. Well actually I could be here and I could just be ignoring you and you would never know. I could be sitting here laughing at you because I am avoiding you and you don't know it. Ok, I'll make a deal with you. If you can guess correctly whether or not I'm here I will talk to you. Then again, if I'm not here and you guess right then I'm really just not here to talk to you. Also, if I'm ignoring you and you guess right then what do you really think are the chances that I'll tell you that you were right? So, I guess what I'm saying is leave a message and I'll get back to you when I get back...unless I'm avoiding you.


*I can't be with you
So all I will do is sleep.
Please don't wake me up from this dream
For it's all of you that I can keep...
*Just think, if u were my teddy bear I'd be sleeping with u right now.
*I am always confused when people ask me did you sleep good? I always wonder if they want me to say no, I made a few mistakes.
*I lost my teddy bear ... can I sleep with you?
*Always wear cute pajamas to sleep, because you'll never know who you'll meet in your dreams. I've got mine on. ~* Sleeping *~
*As I lay in my bed looking at the sky I thought "Were the heck did my ceiling go?
*Currently unconscious.. Try again later.
*Last night I dreamt I ate a 10lb marshmellow and when I woke up my pillow was gone... still dreaming, try me later.
*Pillows + blankets + dreams about you know who = sleeping.
*I was dreaming until you im'ed me.... Then... My dreams turned into nightmares
*I am off in that wonderful land where I can have anything i want!! When i wake up i'll have to face reality for the next 12 hours so !!Leave me alone!!
*SHHH!!! I'm testing out my pillow. I'll get back to you with the results when I'm done!!

*Sleep is the thing you complain about getting too much of when you are little and not enough when you get older.
*You're in my nightmares and my dreams,
still you are the only thing I need.
*Sleep is GOOOOD I'm so tired i could fall asleep on this very keybjhfgbghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
*Shhhhh, I might be beautiful, but I still need my beauty sleep.
*Well I am going to go lay down somewhere.... couch.... bed...stairs... floor...wherever I get first...so based on the previous statement.... I should be right near the computer.
*It's early. Talk SLOWLY and use SMALLER words
*I was sleeping... well I was going to go to sleep... But the though of dreaming about you made me not so tired anymore.
*I love the insides of my eyelids...just love 'em!
*SSSHHH!!! I have Insomnia and I'm trying to sleep it off!!!
*Hugging my pillow betcha wanna be my pillow.

*Oh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea . . . Spongebob Square Pants! Who's left the computer Cause they had to pee. . . Take a wild guess - BrB

*Nature is calling and I'm answering!

*When you got to go, you got to go.

*I'm on the toilet pretending to be a fighter pilot dropping bombs into the ocean.

*Hey I am relieving myself, I'll be back when its all over.


If your wondering where the P is... its about to run down my leg in a second.

*I am probably far away in another land.....or I just might be on the toilet.

*The average person goes to the bathroom 6 times per day. This is one of those times.

*It's "Potty Time."

*Be back in a flush... I mean flash.

*I am currently relieving the stress that's on my bladder.

*I'm in the bathroom right now...Be back in a splash.

*If I had a computer in my bathroom, I wouldn't be away right now.

*You know the expression, "I have to pee like a race horse?" That's what I'm doing right now.

*You have to hold it, because I can't any longer.

*I'm on the toilet pretending to be a fighter pilot dropping bombs into the ocean.

*Happiness is like peeing on yourself, everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth.

*On the potty, if I'm not back in 5 minutes, I fell in.

*If the world was a toilet, then I'd be sitting on top of the world right now.

*I am such a generous person that I have desided to share a part of myself with the toilet.

*Making it rain in Toiletville.


*I am single handily trying to free the world of hunger, starting with myself.
*The food in my kitchen is calling my name and the chocolates are yelling the loudest....I better go see what they want!

*Hey.. im away eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner. If your smart, you can figure out which one it is.

*I am in the kitchen "trying" to cook...If I do not return in approximently 30 mintues, may your intentions be to call 9-1-1! Thank you!

*Statistics say those who eat live longer than those who don't, so I am eating right now.

*Whoever invented the idea of eating 3 meals a day deserves to be rewarded ;)

*Popcorn,Candy,Soda n Fries I know I know straight to my thighs

*My mom told me never to talk with food in my mouth! ;)

*Hunger has driven man to insanity, today it has driven me from my computer.

*I'm doing that thing. You know, the one where you pick the food up, put it in your mouth, swallow it, then repeat the process until the stomach hurts.

*I’m burning down the house, a.k.a: making dinner.

* ~Don't let hunger happen to you!~

*Filling my tummy with something very yummy.

*I wish I had a brown cow so I could make some chocolate milk...

*I'm away right now stuffing my face...but ohh no, whats this?... my pet bubble just ran away with my food. grrr! I shoulda known he would be trouble. i'll be back when i've finished running the little fartnipper over with my barbie car.

*I'm eating food... cause food is good...it gives me energy to do stuff... and stuff is good... so yeah- that's why I eat...

*Rub a dub dub, I'm gettin some grub.

*It's time for my daily candy hunt....I'll be back soon... AND I WILL FIND SOME!

*Tummy refill! :-D

*When the fire alarm goes off that means dinner is ready!!!!!! BEEP BEEP BEEP! Listen to that my dinner is done be back in a little bit!

*Food makes life mmm mmm.... better!

*I'm an evil poptart [::] i'm out collecting sprinkles for my breakfasty self.

*Directions:Pour milk, Devour, Repeat.
(Go ahead, bond with your breakfast)

*My stomach is talkin... and i'm answerin it!

*Went in search of food, bbl....

*I've got the munchies so I'll be back in a few!

*I'm filling my tummy with something yummy.....yum yum yum....be back when it's filled up!

*Getting fatter!! haha

*I am not here right now but please leave a message after the my burp. B....U....R....P!

*Food, it does the body good.

My mother told me never to type with my mouth full.

*Theres a Rumble in my Tumble so to the kitchen I may Fumble!!!

*Don't bother me..... I'm eating

*Hey.....Whats your Favorite Food A. Pizza B. Salad C. Cereal D. Orange Juice*~If you picked*D* you must be stupid because orange juice is not a food.*Out getting food, later*

*Transitive Property of Food: Me=Human; Human=Eat; Food, Me=Eat Food

*Im at the Deli...If you want something come and find me.

*Hey, I just ran out to get something to eat, so wait for me, I'll brb!
